Saturday, November 13, 2010

Slackety slack slack, and then he was TWO.

For all the craziness I perpetually feel like I have in my life, I've accomplished tres little this week. I ran ONCE, tried in vain to eradicate/manage/wrangle into submission the clutter that took over my house when I had a child, and attempted to shake loose the cold that's been following me and the little mister around all week.
Can't say I was wildly successful at any of it.

Speaking of the small love of my life, he is now "this many" (holds up two fingers). Amazing that he's been in our lives for two years. Even more amazing that we've all but completely forgotten what life was like before, when we were childless. To be fair, the one thing we remember somewhat painfully is sleep - all night, with occasional naps. Us, not the boy. We got the good word that he's got a spot in the 3-morning 2-year-old class at the school he's been attending, starting in June. My baby...growing up, somewhat without my permission. I've become so conscious of taking note of the hugs, and the snuggles, and the kisses, and the early mornings cuddled in our bed. They won't last forever. I intend to wring every bit of joy out of them that I can.

Running? The aforementioned cold sucked the aerobic capacity right out of me this week, so a measly 4 miles (albeit all at once) is all I can take credit for. Monday I need to get to work training for the 10K I'm doing mid-January. In theory, the training's not going to be too bad, since it's approximately half the distance I put so much effort into. In practice, though, I want to bring my time down, and that's going to take some concentrated work. All the better for keeping the holiday stressmonster at bay, too.

I should come back to this later tonight. We're on a craft/session beer kick around here lately, and there's a fresh new mixed 6-pack in the fridge waiting to be experimented with. Most of it is from Harpoon. I'll tip the glass and let you know what we think.

Happy football Saturday....

1 comment:

  1. I know it sucks, I know! But I promise he will sleep for you one day. One day when he's older you will be waking him up at noon and complaining about him sleeping too much. haha! They grow up way way to fast. It seems like yesterday my 10yo was just born. *tears*
