Thursday, August 5, 2010

And In My Spare Time...

Today I have already:

Fed and dressed myself and a small boy.
Taken small boy to school.
Taken myself to the Y to do my weekly speed/tempo workout.
Sorted the laundry and started what will be the first of 3, possibly 4, loads.
Showered, dried/ironed hair, made halfhearted attempt to clean up eyebrows, made halfhearted attempt to fix mangled cuticles.
Abandoned those last two efforts on the grounds of hopelessness.
Picked up small boy from school and put him down for nap. He is not sleeping.
Eaten lunch while seated, without someone on my lap.

Today I still need to:
Finish that laundry - including folding and putting it away.
Straighten up kitchen.
Polish fingernails and check toenails for chips.
Take small boy out of the house for some kind of activity that doesn't require time outside.
Dress myself and small boy for big husband's work "family dinner".
Leave the house on time to be at dinner - across the bridge - for 5:30 reservation.

And they say moms who stay home with their kids don't work.
I've got your "I don't work" right here......


  1. I am right there with you today! Good luck on finishing the rest of the day.

  2. I feel ya! I'm just getting into this stay at home thing, but it's quite draining! Like your new background:-)
