Saturday, August 7, 2010

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Say what you want about Kanye, he's good for two things: a good laugh, and a great running tune. This brought me home this morning. Can I tell you how thrilled I was to hear the first notes of Daft Punk when I needed them?

I've gotten geeky about running lately. There's a website you should check out if you run (, where people post their routes and distance and occasionally even some comments about the terrain/grade/scenery. It wasn't too hard to find the distance I needed in my neighborhood, so I abandoned the full sun and relentless concrete of Bayshore Boulevard for a much shadier, more comfortable run today. Should have done it some time ago, now that I think about it. I've realized I'm more than "halfway to the half" now - with just under 3 months to go.

Unfortunately, I've also had more than one flash of "what the hell am I thinking? I can't do this! This is too much, I won't finish, or my time will be an embarrassment." I may have to walk through the water stations - in fact, straight up I PLAN to walk through them so I don't spill the water! - but I've got to deal with these negative thoughts that could sabotage my run on race day. What I'm told is that I need to not only visualize myself at the finish line, but that I need to visualize myself overcoming obstacles along the way. Things like heat, thirst, negative self-talk, and fear. I CAN do this. I WILL do this. It may not be easy or comfortable every step of the way, but I am training to the best of my ability, using a program that is shown to work, and because I will be prepared, I will be prepared to succeed.

Basically, I'd rather wipe the sweat from my face with the towel than throw the towel in. I don't quit well.

Harder, better, faster, stronger....indeed.

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