Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's Thursday?

I CANNOT keep up with the days anymore. Between the holidays, my husband's days off, and traveling, my internal calendar is done for. I have it on good authority that today is Thursday, and that tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I'll get around to a picture-packed post once life returns to normal, I promise.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2010. Raise your hand if you're as stunned by this as I am. When I was in elementary school, a very dear friend of the family told me something I didn't believe at the time but now know all too well to be the truth: when you are young, a day seems like a year, but when you are older and have responsibilities, a year seems like a day. Wise words, very wise. The years pass like days now, especially since there is a little boy in our lives. Every now and then I catch myself looking at him and wondering how the passage of time must feel from his perspective. I've long since forgotten those days.

I'm not going to make a post about all the resolutions we're making in this house - possibly because I don't want to be rereading this blog in March with my head in my hands thinking I had to have lost my damn mind or needed more caffeine or SOMETHING when those resolutions seemed like a good idea. No sir, I believe in accountability, so you will be left to imagine for yourself what a toddler-herding, treadmill-running (these days, anyway), clutter-despising *HINT HINT* woman such as myself resolves to do in 2011. The spouse, on the other hand, refuses to make resolutions despite my telling him that doing so is, in effect, making a resolution and not issuing his barbaric yawp, middle finger extended, to "the man". At least he gets to save face 6 weeks from now, right?

Days of auld lang syne. Happy 2011, y'all - I'll start the year with a post, or do my best to.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Oh wow. Has it really been since NOVEMBER? I haven't updated since NOVEMBER? Rest assured it hasn't been because I've got nothing to say - that would be on par with the apocalypse. LOL. Or not.

It's December 23rd, and all through our pad
I'm scurrying and working to make the holiday rad.
I need to go run, can I please find the time?
I'll hit up the Y if the kid's feeling fine.
The gifts are all wrapped, the laundry is drying
The toddler is napping and no one is crying.
There's a suitcase to pack, but still wash to be done
A gingerbread latte? Heck yeah, I'll have one!
The ducks, they are thawing
The mail should be here
Can't wait till this evening, I'm having a beer. (or two)

Actually, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year, without question. Mi esposo is not working tomorrow, which means I get to sneak out of the house early and get some outdoor mileage in.

Speaking of running, which I seem to have on the brain today for whatever reason, I've chosen my next BIG running project.....

The 2011 Philadelphia Half Marathon!!!!!

I got to looking around on running websites and realized race weekend is the weekend before Thanksgiving. How convenient for them to hold that race then, when it's the in-laws' year to have us visit for the holiday! I think I'll be checking that one off my bucket list of run.

With that note, I hear a stirring Snoog. My "me time" has come to an end. Sigh. Mommy duty calls.

Happy Christmas Eve Eve, y'all.